Arkansas Climate Advocate Page
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This is an invitation to change everything.
Thank you for being a climate advocate.

Raising Awareness

We know that no single meeting or summit will "solve climate change" and this moment is not just about the summit or the march. We want this moment to be about the people who are standing up in Arkansas, to organize, to build power, to confront the power of fossil fuels, and to shift power to a just, safe, peaceful world. The attention focused on the Climate Summit and the People's Climate March is our opportunity to take the level of awareness about climate change to a new level in our communities and around our state and the nation. Tell EVERYONE you know, as many ways as you can. :-)

Social Media for People's Climate March, Arkansas Bus

The best way to spread a message to A LOT of people FAST is through social media. Let's go viral.

Use #PCM or #peoplesclimate
Our FB PageFriend to Friend on Climate — Please Like, Share, Invite, Comment, Reply
DW BlogFriend to Friend — Conversation points on climate.
PCM PagePeople's Climate March Community
PCM EventSep 21 - People's Climate March Event — Join and Invite
Faith PagePeople of Faith and PCM Community
Sierra ClubSierra Club, Arkansas Chapter Group

Other web sites for People's Climate March

Main PCM pagePeople's Climate March
Sierra ClubSierra Club on People's Climate March
GreenFaithGreenFaith on People's Climate March


FlyerFlyer for Arkansas PCM Campaign One per page. Print and distribute.
FliersFliers for Arkansas PCM Campaign Two per page. Print and distribute.


We will be updating this page often, so please check back. At present, here are a few ways you can volunteer to support the PCM and the Arkansas bus(es).

Overnight ThursPassengers from Northwest Arkansas would like beds in Little Rock the night before the trip (Thur 9/18). If you can host one or more, please contact Edward Hejtmanek (ehejtmanek1949@msn.com).
Making signsShouldn't the Natural State have the most creative signs in the whole march?
PreparationsSnacks and fruit. Games, videos.